Friday 3 April 2015

DIY Dry Shampoo || Brown Hair...

I thought I would do a quick chocolate based post as it is Easter!

I have read about doing a DIY dry shampoo in many places on the internet so I wanted to try it for myself. And this one is especially great for people with brown hair.

What you need: 
Cocoa Powder (pure)
A container
An old make up brush

This is the easiest thing to make as you literally just mix the two ingredients together until you have the shade you want. I did around two tablespoons of each to start with and then added a little more cocoa powder to darken it a little.

Taa Daa! 

Here's my finished product. I put mine in a sealable container so I can reuse it as and when I need it. This is so much cheaper than buying dry shampoo like Batiste and may I add I think this works a lot much better. It leaves my hair feeling soft to touch and doesn't leave a white powdery look like Batiste does. The amount you can make from these two purchases will last months and months.

All you do to apply the product is dip the brush into the powder, tap off the excess and stipple onto your roots. You barely need to rub it in but I brush my hair through anyway just to disperse it all evenly. It works so well and you can do it for a few days without hair feeling gross. I used to wash my hair every two days but with this the most I managed was 4 days!!

I hope you liked this and go try it for yourself.. if you do, come back and comment to tell me what you thought! Ever made any DIY beauty products?



  1. This is an amazing idea! i love the smell of cocoa too so this is a must for me - thanks for sharing :)

    Jennifer's Journal x

    1. Yaay I'm glad you found this helpful! It's amazing!
      Coco x


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