Thursday 23 April 2015

Meeting other bloggers || #PlymouthBlogMeet...

This was my first ever blogger meet which the lovely Ellie Mae kindly organised and was held at Rumpus Cosy in Plymouth. 

Here are the links to the bloggers that attended -

The set up was so lovely, we took up a few tables which were decked with cute tea cups and jugs of cucumber water. We each paid £6 ahead of the meet so we could order from the menu on the day. 
There was free carrot cake, which was so pretty and that all of us had to take photos of before we demolished it. I got an iced coffee sweetened with condensed milk to go with it. 

The ladies I talked were super lovely and we all got on like we'd known each other for ages.
Unfortunately there were quite a few I didn't get to speak to as they were sat on the other end of our long table. However I do feel we shall be having more meets in the future so I'm sure I will get to know them soon. 

Near the end of the 'meet up' we got given goodie bags each with our name on, which contained samples from different brands; from a beauty sponge to ice tea, false eyelashes to an assortment of wet wipes. 

Overall I loved the experience and will definitely attend another in the future where we hope we can get more bloggers based near Plymouth involved.

Here are a few pictures from the gathering (click to enlarge)...

If you have twitter make sure you check out #PlymouthBlogMeet to see what other people have shared! 



  1. It was lovely to meet you! Your pictures are lovely :) I'm sure we will do something like this again very soon! xx

  2. Looks great fun, and a great way to network with other Plymouth Bloggers! Count me in anytime for free carrot cake!

    1. It was lovely! And the cake tasted so good! :)
      Coco x


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